Top Rated Homecare Provider – 85% Private Clients – Hertfordshire – SOLD – 7197

Ref Number: 7197

Location: Hertfordshire
Turnover: £660,000
Profit: £26,000

Top Rated Homecare Provider
Location – Hertfordshire

Offers Invited for a 100% Share Purchase

Axis Reference 7197

 85% Private Clients
 Registered Manager in Place
 Turnover c. £660,000
 Strong Office Team
 Adjusted EBITDA c. £78,000
 c. 40 Care Staff
 c. 100 Services Users
 Homecare Award Winner 2019
 c. 450 Care hours per week
 Affluent geographical area

The Business:  Focused predominantly on private clients the business provides high quality and personalized Elderly care, utilizing over 20 year’s industry experience.

Services provided include:

Help getting up and going to bed  Washing and Dressing  Bathing and showering  Toileting and managing incontinence  Social companionship  Preparing meals and feeding  Housework, shopping and laundry  Managing medication  Collecting prescriptions   Accompanying clients to appointments   Day and night sits

Customers: The business has built strong working relationships with local GPs, district nurses, physiotherapists, hospitals, social workers and a variety of other health and social care professionals within the area they operate. High percentage of private client referrals.

At the time of writing the business is providing approximately 450 hours of care per week to circa 100 service users, 85% of which are Private Clients. There is potential to tender for a full Local Authority Contract if desired.