Domiciliary Care Provider – SOLD -7284

Turnover YE July 2023 = £1,522,910
Adjusted EBITDA 2023 = c.£460,000
c.35 Service Users (Aged 19-96)
c.34 Care Staff
Avg. 1,055 Care Hours P/W
90% NHS Funded Clients
Avg. charge rate = £24.73
Employed Registered Manager

CQC Rating = Good

Offers invited for 100% Share Sale

The Business:
The business was founded by the current shareholders and has delivered strong and sustainable growth over the year. The company strives to provide clients with a unique and bespoke service, tailored to the individual’s specific needs and preferences.

The business has benefited from long-tenured staff and longstanding clients, with a strong local reputation leading to many of their clients having been word-of-mouth referrals.

Service Overview:
Services currently offered are:-
Personal Care
Domestic Support
Appointment Support
Accessing the community
Complex Care
Waking Night Care

At the time of writing the business supports 34 clients, the majority of whom are living with Physical or Learning Disability and of which 92% are funded via the NHS.